A Sickie Shared
Next time you pick up someone elses Biro, think before you put it near your mouth, if you want to keep illness at bay, you might want to think twice before you share a pen again. A study in the US found that 1in5 people suck their pen depositing bacteria all over it.
New Computer Virus hitting the office… Loging onto a shared multi-user computer? Have a think before you use a colleagues computer next time, accoring to a Which? Magazine Report, the study found that the average keyboard in London offices carried 5times more germs than a toilet seat!
Mobile Microbes, we’ve all done it, sent and received funny photos or texts and passed our phone around to show it… Well a recent study of 390 mobile phones found that almost all had bacteria all over them, with some carrying up to 1000 colonies.
Keep your pen in your pocket
By Mike Buss.
Category: Health News
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