Well we’re coming to the end of January and many of you have probably already ditched your New Year’s resolutions. So is January really a great time to set resolutions to get fit and lose weight? Maybe the summer is a better time to think of this, with longer nights, warmer weather giving you more motivation to get out and get fit.
Getting out in the fresh air feels great in the summer, join a beginners running group, there are many organised by RUN England, that are running groups for non runners and novices.
Get online and tell your friends you are now on the new healthy you journey, use facebook and twitter to keep your friends up to date with your results. Social media is also great for giving you a kick up the bum when you start to fade and loose motivation, your friends will see this and give you a verbal kick up the bum to get you going again.
Eat an egg for breakfast… A research centre in the US for obesity who gave women an egg based breakfast as opposed to a bagel based breakfast with jam, went on to eat 400 calories throughout the day.
Become a volunteer… Besides the obvious about feeling good about helping others, there can be plenty of calories burnt whilst volunteering in your community and further afield. Take the Calais Refugee Camp for example, I was recently there myself, helping to build large wooden shelters for the refugees there, long hours and heavy lifting, sawing of wood and other jobs are a great workout. More local, there’s always plenty of voluntary work out there from planting trees and landscaping with the National Trust, helping on local Canal projects and much more, just Google for your local volunteer centre.
Get rid of stress, if things are getting on top of you, project an energy bubble… Imagine you have a bubble of energy around you like a force field. Tell yourself that everything stressful that happens outside the bubble will just bounce off and disappear. Leaving you with nothing but calm inside. The unconscious mind doesn’t distinguish between imagination and reality, if you imagine youre shielded from stress then you will be.
Tackle those toxins… Give your body a break from that toxin overload, smoking, drinking too much coffee, and eating mostly processed food is just some of the reasons why we are becoming so toxic. Why not ditch all drinks except water for a week, and drink plenty of it, we should drink 1.5ltrs a day but most of don’t. Get off the processed food, think about your shop before you go, plan your week’s meals, write a shopping list and stick to it. These are just a few of hundreds of ideas you could use to detox that body of yours.
Category: goodHEALTH