100g raspberries 1x small Fennel Bulb 1x small Pear 2.5cm cube of Fresh Root Ginger, roughly chopped. Juice all the ingredients together Makes 200ml
100g raspberries 1x small Fennel Bulb 1x small Pear 2.5cm cube of Fresh Root Ginger, roughly chopped. Juice all the ingredients together Makes 200ml
1x small Orange 1x Carrot ½ Sweet Potato 2.5cm cube of Fresh Root Ginger roughly chopped Juice all of the ingredients and serve over ice Makes 200ml
1x small Peach 2x Celery Sticks 1x small Orange Juice the ingredients together and serve over ice Makes 200ml
1x Celery Stick ¼ Parsnip 50g Pineapple 50g Lettuce 50g Grapes Juice all of the ingredients together and then serve in a tumbler glass Makes 150ml
½ Large Tomato (100g) ¼ Galia or Honeydew Melon 1x Carrot Juice the tomato, melon and carrot, then serve over ice Makes 250ml
2x Carrots 1x Kiwifruit Juice the carrots and kiwifruit, pour into a glass with ice Makes 250ml
100g of Green Grapes 1 small Fennel Bilb ½ Large Mango Juice the grapes and fennel then put into a blender with the mango and a couple of ice cubes and blend. Serve with fennels fronds if liked. Make 300ml (½ pint)
½ small Pear 50g of Red Grapes 50g of Blackberries Juice the ingredients together and serve in a tall glass over ice. Makes 200ml
200g of Broccoli 200g of Green Grapes Juice both ingredients and serve over ice and garnish with mint. Makes 200ml
2x small Beetroot (100g) ¼ Melon (any type) 2x small Plums Juice all the ingredients and then transfer to a blender Add an ice cube and whizz for a thicker drink. Serve in tall glass Makes ½ pint