Oprah Calls in The Terminator
Oprah has called in Arnie to save her Network from slumping further, with ratings low the rescue missiion is now on…
The chat show queen has called upon Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger to BEEF UP her ratings by drawing male viewers to her network with at least two weekly shows. In one show he will host a string of celeb interviews, bringing in his celeb pals such as Sly Stalone, Vin Diesel and our very own Brit Hollywood Hard Man Jason Statham.
The seccond show will have Arnie as the networks very own fitness guru.
Since launching her very own network on cable last year to 80million viewers, the average number of viewers now has slumped to below 130,000. Even in prime time viewing the audience has only hit an average of 260,000.
Now Oprah, Americas richest woman with a wealth estimated of over £2billion is pinning all hopes on Arnie to turn things around!
A spokes person for OWN has declined to comment so far on the deal which is expected to be announced in June.
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Category: Celebs