Tea For Life
How about swapping your tea, milk and two sugars for something that will really make a difference to your day…
Kuritee Slimatee contains chromium rich hibiscus, crucial for your blood sugar balance which will help crush your sweet foods craving. It is also used in South America to reduce appetite.
RDA: 3 cups between meals with the last one no later than 4pm.
Green Tea has been shown to increase your metabolism and assists in the digestion of fats drunk up to 2hrs after meals.
RDA: 3 cups taken within 2hrs of eating a meal.
Chamomile Tea is great for de-stressing, treating anxiety. It soothes your nervous system by working as an anti-spasmodic.
RDA: drink before bedtime or when you start to feel under pressure.
Ginger Tea helps to get your circulation going. Ginger is a warming spice that dilates blood vessels.
An improved circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients more effectively and therefore increases energy levels.
RDA: 2 cups per day, one first thing in the morning and the second mid-afternoon.
Category: Health News